Body Clearing

 Body Clearing uses a unique set of tools and intuition to energetically reset imbalances and clear blocks to health in the body.  Imbalances can be anything from a trapped emotion to imbalanced meridians to structural imbalances and much more.  Often clearing energetic blocks and/or resetting energetically can make a huge difference to how we feel physically and emotionally. 

As with all my work, this is equally as effective on animals.  I have used it on my own dog to correct her occasional incontinence, stomach upsets, lameness and more.  I've used it to help people and animals all around the world with varied problems.  It can correct immobility after an accident or twisting wrong, sore legs, sore backs, hurt arms, hands etc....the list goes on.  It clears toxins, allergies and lots more.  Clears the nasty effects of medications too, leaving only the helpful effects.

Almost any condition can be eased to some degree by using this to reset imbalances and clear energetic blocks.  Sometimes the changes are almost miraculous, sometimes much more subtle - we each get what we need and are ready for at that time.  While sometimes only one session is needed, often and particularly for long-standing issues, a series of sessions is needed hence the discount for 3 and 7 sessions.

This can  help with depression, anxiety, PTSD, grief, all sorts of emotional issues as well as the pysical issues.

This is done distantly - you PayPal me and choose whether or not to tell me what the issue is - I get equally as good results working "blind".  I do the work here by following a set of charts to identify the imbalances then correct them - you don't need to do anything other than drink extra water and get some rest for a few days while your body processes the work.  I will usually be able to do your session within 48 hours or we can schedule to suit us both.

'Conditions' this can help with include but are not limited to:

Fibromyalgia                                    PTSD                                            Allergies                                   Migraine

Arthritis                                            Stress                                            Asthma                                     ADHD etc

MS                                                   Phobias                                         IBS                                           Pain

Diabetes                                          Self-esteem                                   Depression                               Digestive issues

Incontinence                                    Confidence                                    Colitis                                       Weight issues

Autism                                              Asperger's                                    Alzheimer's                               Anal gland problems

and lots more!

                                                           chester .   Chester in Canada who loved his sessions. 

Here is his testimonial ....  "Yes, of course you can put me on your website.   I am quite a handsome boy -- at least my Mom says so.   It will be fun to be on a website and get people's reactions to me.   Thank you for all the treatments you do for me.    It has really helped though it does not show on the outside I know that I feel better -- especially emotionally.   It bothered me that this was upsetting Mom and she did not want me to leave yet.   With all the work you have done, I can stay here on earth much happier.     Thanks for that -- the treatments have been wonderful.    I give you a "highly recommended" yes -- get a treatment from Muriel for your pets or yourself.   Love and whinnies, Chester"

As with all emotional healing, we often have layers to be gone through, necessitating several sessions.  The 7 session price includes the 7th session at half price plus a multi session discount.

Body Clear
Who is this for?
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Buy 9 get one free £99 sessions
Who is this for?


I recently had this healing by Muriel and the results were amazing! 

I had a grade 2 sprained ankle that was swollen, bruised and very painful, I couldn’t put any weight on it at all. The day after it had happened I contacted Muriel who started the healing straight away.
Later that evening, I could put my toes down, the pain started to go. The next day I could put my foot down to take some weight. The day after that I didn’t need the crutches and I started to walk again with care.
The healing was so quick, I was honestly improving at times by the hour!
It’s now been 2 wks since the sprain and I’m back to normal.
I was told at the hospital to expect the ankle to take 6wks plus to get better.
I can walk my dog and get around perfectly normally again.
The effect of this healing is quite miraculous.
I would whole heartedly recommend anyone to give it a go.
Muriel is a very gifted healer. 


I want you to know that the healings at a huge positive effect on me.  I felt more present and clear.  It was important to me that we really made a change for the first time in a long time.


A dog - His ears now are perky, eyes are better (not as gunky), he actually wiggles his whole tail now!! Thanks.


I have felt better and better as the day has gone on, now am feeling really great, and flexible - thank you


I wanted to let you know that Odie is doing well. His infection went down really fast! He is loving life, hopping around like a happy bunny. 


Muriel was first recommended to me by my Craniosacral practitioner because she herself had received great relief and understanding of a severe elbow injury that occurred one morning so she contacted Celestial Healing Light straight away…later on that day she was able to carry on with physical work packing up her house ready for a move as the elbow healed.
I have received this and SRT sessions at different times from Muriel and found them both to be effective, the most recent being for abdominal and hip discomfort on the left side. Within the same hour of receiving the treatment I had much greater ease of movement and was out of pain. There was immediate relief of 60 percent of symptoms and I will be following up soon with a second treatment.
During the treatment I had a feeling of gentle warmth come over me which seemed to soften me. I also felt slightly dreamy and very peaceful.
So if you want to know where other body-workers and healers go to get help – it’s Muriel at Celestial Healing Light!
Please do help yourself (and help Muriel herself in her dedication to her animal healing) by trying out her services.
C Auchinachie


A little update………I really think you have cured my Weimaraner's anal gland problem.   The vets didn't.  Thanks a million!


Muriel is indeed a Godsend and last night came to the aid of my younger bitch. Deia was spayed yesterday and the op itself went really well. She did however have quite a bad reaction to the GA. She is my rescue and a real 'velcro' dog and quite highly strung. What a difference Muriel made in just one session of this and Reiki last evening. This enabled Deia to calm and have a good night. Thank you Muriel from both of us! Xx


You’re amazing with the energy healing that you do. You have given our Murphy an extra two years we so want to thank you! KP, USA


Our Weimaraner suffered with such a sensitive stomach, allergies, rumbling tummy & hunger pukes.  For years we struggled to keep his weight up.  After contacting Muriel for clearing sessions we were amazed at the results.  Over the next 3 months (we changed nothing) he gained weight and his poos improved dramatically. After his first session he also instantly lost his fear of frying smells & the extractor fan - an unexpected surprise as I had not asked Muriel to work on this.

We then began to research raw food & decided to switch him to this a few months back.  He didn't cope well with the initial change so we turned to Muriel again for another session.  He is doing so well on his raw now. Tried duck, turkey, venison, egg, pork, rabbit & tripe so far. He is the perfect weight, has perfect poos & no rumbling tummy or hunger pukes since, plus he absolutely loves it. We are so happy for him!

I would never hesitate to contact Muriel again & would recommend her fantastic work to anyone. I am a complete convert. Thanks Muriel, love from a very happy Argent & Kirsty xx


I want to highly recommend the work of Muriel Alicia . After a weekend feeling so unwell with symptoms of a migraine and high temperature/ feeling delirious at times, nauseous, and constant headache, I had a session with her yesterday, and by evening felt like myself again, but me with bells on. Wooohoo!! Thanks Muriel! If you feel you need something addressing or clearing, get in touch.  Mary Mcconnell


Muriel did clearing for my dog Alexis when she was so sick in January and WOW it really worked wonders!!!    Kathie Eberhard, USA


Muriel worked on Sierra, our almost-17 year old cat,  because of elimination/lower GI sluggishness. Although the situation is still there, it's improved. Sierra wanted to give this as his testimonial for Muriel's website: "I feel like there is more space in my tummy now. It's more light and free than it was.”  Sue and Sierra her cat, USA.


Your session - How I work and what you need to do etc

Once you have decided you would like a session with me, you need to pay and then we will decide on a time that suits us both.  I find that working as the client sleeps is the best possible time to do so as then there is no unconscious resistance.  If you are also in UK and that is not possible, next best is when you are reasonably relaxed and not rushing around trying to do 20 things at once.  Ideally you would be focussed on something else rather than what I am doing - maybe reading, watching TV or something as I have found that the people who obsessively watch their bodies thinking "what is she doing?" tend to actually block the clearing to some degree.

I need you to drink lots of extra water for a good few days to make the releasing process easier on your body.  Not doing so can make for a bumpy ride, so please, just do it.  Ideally you would also get extra rest, even if that is only a few early nights or late mornings, whatever you can manage.  Animals will naturally drink the extra they need and take what extra sleep they need.  Occasionally animals will be full of life afterwards, delighting in feeling "lighter".

I tune in to you energetically and also connect with my guides and Archangels and then use a series of charts and a pendulum to find out what most needs cleared, I clear that and move on to the next thing until I am told there is nothing else to be done that day.

Most often, your body will take up to a week to fully process the clearing.  Some take longer, some shorter - everyone is different and it will also depend on what else you are doing in your journey towards healing as everything is interconnected. 

Some people notice shifts of some sort almost right away, some notice nothing at all, some realise some time afterwards that 'something' has changed. There is no 'one size fits all' or predicting, you will react or not as your body does.

Our contact is by email as I find I can focus better that way and the flow of energy is not interrupted.

The most common comment from clients is that they feel lighter and more relaxed afterwards.

As healing is a journey, most of us need more than one session, hence the discount price for multiple sessions.  Some may need another session soon, others can be months or even years between sessions, we are all different.  One session will always help but you may get more benefit from more than one as we all collect more energetic trash as we go through our lives.  I am still working on me.

While I do take notes as I work, I generally do not pass them on until your clearing and processing is complete as I have found that obsessing over what was cleared can prevent the clearing fully taking place.  Been there, done that.  It's gone, it is basically garbage and we do not normally poke and prod through the garbage.  Just let it go, gently and easily.  Metatron now generally does not allow me to pass on details until processing is complete and has been known on rare occasions to delete my notes when he seriously does not want them passed on.

I now have a Facebook group about my work which you are welcome to join.


For many years I have helped hurt, abandoned, abused animals of all species for free and continue to do so.  That does however take time and effort and I do have to feed my dog and myself and pay rent and all the usual bills.  If you would like to make a Gratitude Gift on behalf of the many hundreds of animals I have helped and will help, please do so here.  Many thanks. PayPal also accepts credit and debit cards. 


